
RipperSec Conducted Cyber Attack on Digitron Italia

In the RipperSec's telegram channel the cyber attack announcement is detected for Digitron Italia. Italy: Digitron SCADA System Has Been Pawned By RipperSec :comet::it: :information_source: What is DigiTron? - Digitron Italy is a company that produces process control devices, sensors, and measurement tools for industries like HVAC and automation. -> :desktop_computer: Target :desktop_computer: : :link: -> :warning: Our Message :warning:: :information_source: Stop Support Israel #FreePalestine

RipperSec Conducted Cyber Attack on Serbatoio Monte San Michele

In the RipperSec's telegram channel the cyber attack announcement is detected for Serbatoio Monte San Michele. Italy: Serbatoio Monte San Michele SCADA System Has Been Pawned By RipperSec :comet::it: - Serbatoio Monte San Michele is a water reservoir located in Monte San Michele, Italy, a significant site during World War I. -> :warning: Our Message :warning:: :information_source: Stop Support Israel #FreePalestine

The Alleged Unauthorized VPN Access Sale is Detected for an Italian Automobile Dealer

In a hacker forum an unauthorized VPN access sale is detected allegedly belongs to an automobile dealer that operates in Italy. Hello. Selling access to a Italian Corp. Country: Italy Revenue: $10 Million Rights: Domain user Sector: Automobile Dealers Access Type: VPN Start: 300$ Step: 100$ Blitz: 500$ 24h LastBid Escrow always accepted. Contact: Tox -> *** PM

The Alleged Database of Skuola Network is Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged database leak is detected for Skuola Network. Italian Database https://**

The Alleged Consumer Leads Data of HyperioNow are on Sale

In a hacker forum a new alleged consumer lead data sale is detected for HyperioNow. 9M Lines Available in Total Data About Business Management Consultant Spain,Belgium,Natherlands,Germany,Italıa,Portugal Source:Hyperionow "a**Aco","**c284e8**7c02653** "c**"Anton**,"hotm**285715c**99M" "m**.com",**def6e2**40e0aee** "d**,,,,,,**971005**f9d3b7f** "a**"Monte**ed498f**498823e** "y**et","Y**"lapos**945759f**"LA** "a**",,,,,**eef272**bac1ea1** ** "j**rimero**"97676**","9eb6**5ed**S_B2**" "e**,,,,,,**last.n**3a69ca1**COR** "j**a@mett**,"N",,**eb5dd87**_Ma** "d**,,,,,,**f7a058**9f370da** ** "r**.es",,**a44de6**0e0171f** ** "n****024 10**e560416**APP** "s**,"Graz**it","2**65785b4** "o**otmail**"84fe4**218084a****

Alleged Database of Bio-Clima Service Srl is Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged database leak is detected for Bio-Clima Service Srl. Benvenuti su BIOCLIMA Service

The Alleged Database of AutoDR is Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged database leak is detected for AutoDR. - Italy DOWNLOAD : https://** SAMPLE DATABASE "id","created","telephone","vettura","nome","cognome","email","status_sms","tipo" "10**:20**4","13**om"**so_sm** "10**:23**3","13**ton**ntis@**,"avviso_sms" "10**:25**2","13**ima**,NULL** "10**:39**4","13**tti**m",NU** "10**:47**9","13**m",**o_sms** "10**:24**7","13**tti**m",NU** "10**:24**3","13**tti**m",NU** "10**:49**0","13**tal**com",**s" "10**:55**0","13**ibe**,"avv** "10**:11**3","13**mai**,"avv** "10**:14**1","13**r@g**ULL,"** "10**:39**5","13**nce**ail.c**o_sms" "10**:23**6","13**il.**avvis** "10**:05**5...