Unauthorized WordPress Accesses Sale is Detected for Many Shops

In a hacker forum unauthorized WordPress access sales are detected allegedly belongs to many shops.

VN - 36 dec - 37 nov - Cash payment

EG - 24 dec (24 Cash payment) - 585 nov (Cash payment)

JP - 7 dec (1 cash payment) (6 cc) - 12 nov (1 cash payment) (11 cc) - frame

IN - 60 dec (38 cc) (22 cash on delivery) - redirect - (payment on one domain)

IN- 44 dec (42 Instamojo) - 63 nov (59 Instamojo) - redirect

KW - 6 dec (6 Cash on delivery) - 17 nov (15 Cash on delivery)

IT - 34 dec (21 PayPal) (13 cc) - 43 nov (21 cc) (22 paypal) - frame

IT - 8 Nov (6 cc)( 1 paypal)(1 Bank transfer) - frame

BR - 1 dec (1 PagSeguro cc ) - 3 nov ( 3 PagSeguro cc ) - form

PL - 74 dec (28 Cash on delivery) (34 PayU) (12 bank) - 58 nov (32 PayU) (12 Cash on delivery) (23 bank)

AE - 854 dec (854 cash on delivery) -1099 nov (1099 cash on delivery)

All acces WP

start: 100$

step: 50$

PPS: 12h

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