
Alleged Database of EuroBet is on Sale

In a hacker forum a new alleged database sale is detected for EuroBet. Hello, I'm selling recent database contains 800,000+ records dumped recently name,login,born,age,address,currency_and_language,phone_number,email,date_text,lastlogin,playable_balance

Alleged Database of Escursi is Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged database leak is detected for Escursi. Escursi is an online booking site in ITALY. Compromised Info: id,email,password,firstname,lastname,cards Count: 12K Email and Password is hashed. (If you knew the algorithm just let me know).

The Alleged Unauthorized Access Sale is Detected for an Itallian Educational Institution

In a hacker forum an unauthorized access sale is detected allegedly belongs to an educational institution that operates in Italy. Details: Access to server hosting firewall in Italy Private Educational Institution. Privilege: Root access to server Revenue: Unknown Price: $200 Price is NOT negotiable. SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY Session:*** Contact me on session for more details.

Alleged Database of is Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged database leak is detected for*** http://*** ALL DATA SIZE: 100GB+ production data business data system code other

The Alleged Data of Avis Intercomunale Arnaldo Colombo are Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged data leak is detected for Avis Intercomunale Arnaldo Colombo. Il 13 aprile 1986, per iniziativa dell’Avis comunale di Torino, l’assemblea regionale del Piemonte istituisce l’Avis Intercomunale Arnaldo Colombo a cui viene affidato il compito di gestire le Unità di raccolta fisse e mobili costituite per consentire ancora all’Avis di concorrere all’espletamento del servizio trasfusionale che la legge 107 affida solo alle pubbliche unità sanitarie. ALL DATA SIZE: 2GB+ Database Contributing blood users,About 420,000 users IDSezione;Numero;IdSezioneTessera;NumeroTessera;IDSottoSezione;Nome;Cognome;Sesso;IDStatoAssociativo;PosizioneArchivio;CodiceFamigliare;IDComuneNascita;DataNascit a;IDNazionalita;IDTipoIndirizzoResidenza;ViaResidenza;NumeroResidenza;CAPResidenza;IDComuneResidenza;IDTipoIndirizzoDomicilio;ViaDomicilio;NumeroDomicilio;CAPDomi cilio;IDComuneDomicilio;Frazione;TelefonoCasa;TelefonoPortatile;TelefonoLavoro;Email;AziendaLavoro;NumeroTesseraASL;Med...

Alleged Database of Edizioni Dottrinari is Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged database leak is detected for Edizioni Dottrinari. Breach of @*** contain - emails phone name and other related data Quote: INSERT INTO `ps_address` VALUES (1,10***********-12-27 03:27:48','2016-1***********2-27 03:27:4***********27:49',1,0),(3,10,213,3,0,***********3498344193',NULL,'','',***********','','VIA CAR*********** 03:27:49','2016-12-***********7416931',NULL,'','','2016-12***********',NULL,'00178','RO***********O P. FRANCESCO','','VI***********ELLEZZANO',NULL,'***********27 03:27:50','2016-12-2***********(8,10,211,8,0,***********GONI PIETRO','***********,NULL,'98066','PA***********,NULL,'','','2016-12***********27 03:28:01',1,0),(54,10,N***********,'GIGLIO DON Quote: INSERT INTO `ps_supplier` VALUES (1,'XXXXX',''***********.R.L.',...

Joker CC Shop is Detected

In a hacker forum a new alleged Joker CC shop is detected. The best credit cards VISA, MASTERCARD on the black market from the Joker team! ~ Available countries: USA, UK, Spain, Italy and others. ~ Available Bin: 426326, 533090, 485062, 409644 and others. * CC Format: Number|Date|Cvv|Full name|Ext|SIN/SSN|Address|City|Zip code|Country|Currency|Card type|Phone|IP|PIN|MMN|Email * Source: comes from a single source, Sniffer, not sellers! √ Refund if card is declined. √ Refund if card is damaged. √ Refund if card has no balance. (CC Joker)! Subscribe to our telegram channel, where we publish all the information about credit cards ? https://**