
Alleged Sensitive Data of Pirelli are on Sale

In a hacker forum a new alleged sensitive data sale is detected for Pirelli. Hello. We hacked internal network of 'Pirelli' where was found subnetworks with even all their countries where they are working. Pirelli rejected our offer so we want to sell their data. Only valuable information without garbage. There's a lot of sensitive information and technologies inside leak: Drawings; Personal; SSN/DOB/Other documents from 28 countries; Legal; Billings; Technologies; Tests; Plans; Internal negotiations; Messages; ......and everything you looking for. Leak affect 28 countries. Screenshot with countries: Inside leak 2479334 files. Size ~2TB. Screenshot: Listing and all you want will be provided to serious buyer after proof-of-funds. Price will not be high if you have money. Anonymous guaranteed. Contact only PM. Samples (sorry Davide): https://*** Archive password: ***

The Alleged Database of Eustema is Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged database leak is detected for Eustema. Hi all ! A freebie for the community, freshly dumped a****9a6dd2a6:**3e964 a**ustema**ab4ac7a3**979a8f3e96b a****5300568:**3e96e a****9fbc82f5a:**f3e96f a****d8864b3a**8f3e971 a****5e8b618b**f3e972 a****81d8c57:1**e973 a****881330c3:**f3e974 a**stema.i**864a59f5**8f3e976 a****7e8d11f31**8f3e977 a****26412fecf:**78 a**ustema**80b7ad72**79a8f3e97a a****56572620:**3e97b a****b5d7d6ffe**f3e97c a****dd4bf3fad**f3e97d a****0040d24:**e97f a****b6e627ed:**f3e980 a****54ee187c**a8f3e981 a****69c6870:**3e983 a****3fb40ea75**3e984 a****e755521:**e985 a**ustema**84d7fd95**a8f3e987 a****4e9ffd9c:**e988 a****28187f0:2**e989 a****28a73fae8**8f3e98a a****33a6e39c:**f3e98b a****ea36eea6:**f3e98d a****ba7ad41:**e98e a****fa8dc7:19**98f a****8cd15...

The Alleged Gambling Leads Data of Italian Citizens are on Sale

In a hacker forum a new alleged gambling leads data sale is detected for Italian citizens. Premium Gambling Leads - ITALY Overview: Unlock the potential of a premium gambling leads dataset containing 9,999 records from the Italian market. Ideal for gambling platforms, marketing agencies, and lead brokers seeking high-value prospects. Key Features: Records: 9,999 total Unique Emails: 9,995 verified addresses Unique Phone Numbers: 9,999 direct contacts in international format (+39) Data Fields: Full names, emails, addresses (street, city, postal code), phone numbers, casino affiliations, engagement metrics Why Choose This Data? Fresh and accurate data for precision-targeted campaigns Exclusive insights into gambling behavior and casino preferences High-quality leads designed to maximize ROI for gambling and affiliate marketers Contact:** Sample: Quote: Ce**ona** **6072** Pin**ia I** Mong**0 Sa**ro@**m via**1289 ** Eu**a.b**it via d**aly € ** Ma**ma** Pago**ly € 1** Gia*...

The Alleged Database of Cosime is Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged database leak is detected for Cosime. COSIME is an Italian Manufacturer of industrial electronics. This leak is the companies internal contact/customer list. 16,125 lines containing contacts: Home address, Email, Name, Phone number. Sample: [cl_cell, cl_citta, cl_cliente, cl_indirizzo, cl_mail, cl_name, cl_nome, cl_passwd, cl_privato, cl_tel] null:Bologna:0:Vi****ta 2:vic********:40****:1:+39 *** ***4450 null:MILANO:0:Vi****12:r.m********:be****:0:02****6076 null:Acquaviva delle Fonti:0:Vi****d:alexi********:37****:1:33****5434 null:cologne:0:vi****4:giusep********:43****:1:null null:Bari:0:nu****:crist********:42****:0:+33****5348 null:Scafati:1:nu****:color********:38****:0:081****891 null:Napoli:0:nu************:40****:1:null null:Regalbuto:1:Vi****137:Arch.l********:33****:0:093****4...

The Alleged Data of Fratelli d'Italia are Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged data leak is detected for Fratelli d'Italia. Today, I present a collection of information that I scraped from curriculums obtained through a directory listing vulnerability on the website of the far-right Italian party, Fratelli d'italia ( What does the data contain? Emails, names, addresses, work experience, courses, languges learned and much more. :3 Such data can be found structured in the json down provided, meanwhile it can be found on the roughly 12-13k curriculums inside the zip (Some files however aren't curriculums) How was the data created? I used AI to make sense of the PDF OCR and make the whole process automatic, however due to some pdfs either being unreadable or some other issues, around a thousand records are missing. :( How can i help with the data? I would really appreciate if someone helped clean the json (which still contains some weird entries such as nameless ones) or helped add the missing entries, i...

Alleged Database of an Italian Shopping Company is on Sale

In a hacker forum a new alleged database sale is detected for an Italian shopping company. data contains - name,phone,address,password(dehashed),localita,Provincia e.t.c sample - pastebin (I can give 1k sample for test, if you are a repped member) telegram - @**** (escrow IS ALWAYS accepted)

Alleged Database of Pinkfit is Leaked

In a hacker forum a new alleged database leak is detected for Pinkfit. lines: 1866 Quote: ID,"Punto di acquisto","Data di acquisto","Fattura intestata a","Nome Destinatario","Totale complessivo (Base)","Totale complessivo (acquistato)",Stato,"Indirizzo di Fatturazione","Indirizzo di Spedizione","Informazioni di spedizione","Email cliente","Gruppo Cliente",Subtotale,"Spedizione e gestione","Nome cliente","Metodo di pagamento","Totale rimborsato","Ordine colore",Mailchimp,"Mailchimp Sync","Braintree Transaction Source"